Sunday 23 March 2014

Hester Park - Bird life & black swans!

So we took the dog again today for a run down at the lovely Hester Park, and stopped this time to get some pics of the river! For any kayak enthusiasts, you will know this is a perfect launching spot with some beautiful scenery along the waterways. Even in this hot weather- the water was at good depth and the bird life very active!

In the past we have seen muscovy, mallard and other native ducks and geese. Often there are heron and kookaburras around if you are there at the right time of day. The properties on the eastern side are very lucky and often have the bird life wandering up out of the water on to the grassy banks.

After watching the ducks for a short while, we were spoiled to spot some Black Swans paddling peacefully amongst the other bird life. 

What an absolute treasure.
Forever 6108!

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